Independent schools enjoy a number of advantages over most standardized or public institutions. These include smaller classes, more personalized instruction, greater freedom to explore new subjects and experiences, mission-driven culture, etc. Yet when it comes to developing—and creating consensus for—a brand persona, independent schools often face major challenges. Finding common ground among administrators, faculty, parents, board members, and even alumni, on any initiative can be a daunting task, let alone an undertaking as complex as establishing a distinctive market identity.
While navigating a sea of diverse stakeholder viewpoints and opinions is unavoidable, independent schools can take comfort in knowing that collaboration and decision-making can be assisted by following a number of principles proven to be valuable in corporate, non-profit, and governmental branding efforts. The following is a series of high-level suggestions to at least guide your thinking when branding your school. It’s not a road map or a detailed process, but simply a number of ideas to keep in mind when your independent school is looking for that one thing it can own that’s special and appealing to prospective families.
To read more, please download our free Independent Schools eBook.