The future of artificial intelligence (AI) has been on the front page of every news outlet for weeks now. Below, we’ll look at areas within the marketing and advertising industries that are already affected or soon to be further affected by AI. The Who or The What In the past, AI was an idea commonly […]
Brand Perception and Evaluation
When evaluating a brand, Channel Communications approaches the task as a three-pronged exercise to define the brand’s current perception and the ideal perception within a specified market. We conduct internal and external interviews along with consumer research to paint a full picture of the brand’s perception. Below, we’ll review a generalized version of this method, […]
Elements of an Effective Landing Page
Landing pages are often created when a marketing campaign is in the works. Various ads, amongst other campaign elements, drive the target audience to a designated webpage with the goal of raising overall awareness or generating a qualified lead, client/customer/member, or conversion. In this article, we’ll review the key elements of a landing page as […]
Choosing the Ideal Social Media Platform for Your Campaign Media
Whether you’re looking to increase brand recognition, drive website traffic, generate leads, or boost conversions, social media marketing is often a reliable and viable strategy for your campaign. People of all ages and backgrounds use social media to discover, follow, learn about, interact with, and shop brands. Dependent on your marketing goals and target audience, […]
Marketing Post COVID
COVID-19 has changed the world in many facets. From contactless pick-up to tele-visits to the doctor, seemingly every industry has been affected- including marketing. As we begin to return to a sense of normalcy, it is vital we take a moment to reflect on the past 18 months in an effort to understand exactly what […]
What’s the Difference Between Marketing and Branding?
Often times, marketing and branding are blurred together. If they aren’t actually the same, what is the difference? Marketing In short, marketing is the tactical approach companies use in every stage of business. From product development to distribution, marketing plays a role in the process and outcome of these procedures. In order for a marketing […]
What are the Benefits to Companies Using Social Media?
Today, social media acts as one of the most important tools in a company’s arsenal. With social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube sporting their user-friendly interfaces, companies now have the ability to continuously manage and sculpt their “public profile” at their fingertips. All of this while instantly and conveniently being able […]