Frederick County Health Department Extends “A Way Forward Together” COVID-19 flight – Phase II

Agency continues to market important message letting people know that help is available

BALTIMORE, MD, January 2021 — The Frederick County Health Department hires Channel Communications to place a second phase effort extending “A Way Forward Together” to their region. In mid-pandemic 2020, Channel created the “A Way Forward Together” campaign to address the effects COVID-19 can pose on depression, trauma, alcohol and drug misuse and suicide. Response to the messaging was very positive making funding for a second phase more readily available. For Phase II, Channel developed a multi-faceted media approach utilizing television, radio, out of home, print, online advertising, and social media. As in Phase I, all messaging continued to be directed to the landing page which serves as a resource hub of information on COVID related issues and connects people to the help they are looking for.

“Working on this project has been rewarding for each member of our team. Seeing it help people is touching. Frederick has done a great job helping their community deal with COVID-19 related issues.” said Rick Grant, Vice President of Channel Communications. “Frederick County should be very proud of their program.”

About the Channel Team

With offices in Baltimore, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., Channel Communications provides a full range of integrated services, including branding, marketing, and advertising, corporate communications, broadcast, web design, and all forms of interactive, online, and digital media.